Saturday, June 8, 2024

Jo Harrop Celebrates CD Release At The Village Studios, 6-7-24

Jo Harrop singing "The Path Of A Tear"
After reviewing vocalist Jo Harrop’s The Path Of A Tear, I was told I should make it a point to see her perform in concert. What good fortune then that she should have her album release party here in Los Angeles where her new CD was recorded. The party was held last night at The Village Studios in Los Angeles, a place with an incredible history. It is where Supertramp recorded that phenomenal 1979 record Breakfast In America, and where Neil Young recorded several albums. And it is where Fleetwood Mac recorded the double album Tusk. A new studio – Studio D – was specially built for Fleetwood Mac for the recording of that album. Well, it turns that it is that studio where Jo Harrop recorded her new album. Studio D. How cool is that?

The album release party wasn’t held in that studio, but in another room just up the hall from Studio D. It was an intimate and warm space, a place with good vibes, to be sure, and plenty of alcohol for those of who wished to imbibe. Jo Harrop’s manager introduced her and then Larry Klein, who produced the album and played bass, spoke about what drew him to Jo Harrop, that being her honest voice, something everyone in the room understood. That led Jo Harrop, who was clearly moved by what both said, to say, “Thank you for making me a bit of an emotional wreck.” And the band went right into “Beautiful Fool,” the lead track from the new album. The band, in addition to Klein on electric bass, included Anthony Wilson on guitar, Jeff Babko on piano, and Denny Weston on drums. After the song, Larry Klein then stepped out, and David Piltch took over on bass. David Piltch also plays on the new album. Jo Harrop introduced the album’s title track, “The Path Of A Tear,” describing it as being about “a journey through love and loss, and how loss can sometimes lead to better things.” And what a beautiful performance she gave of that song. They followed that with “Whiskey Or The Truth,” the first song she recorded in Studio D. Anthony Wilson delivered a nice lead on guitar, getting appreciative applause from the crowd. Larry Klein then returned on bass for a beautiful rendition of Steve Earle’s “Goodbye” that had me in tears.

Interestingly, after “Goodbye,” Jo Harrop gave us a different look at “The Path Of A Tear,” this time her voice backed only by Anthony Wilson on guitar, giving us a sense of how the song began. This show was being filmed, and there hadn’t been enough time to readjust the cameras for this song, so they played this acoustic version a second time. Larry Klein then wanted a second pass at “Goodbye,” first giving a note to pianist Jeff Babko. However, toward the end of the song, Larry’s phone went off. “One more time,” Larry said, “I’m so sorry.” I wasn’t sorry to hear it again. I love that song, and thought that maybe this third time through I wouldn’t tear up. Well, I was wrong about that. And this time, what Jo Harrop did at the end was particularly striking and beautiful. This absolutely wonderful set ended at 9:38 p.m.

Set List

  1. Beautiful Fools
  2. The Path Of A Tear
  3. Whiskey Or The Truth
  4. Goodbye
  5. The Path Of A Tear
  6. The Path Of A Tear
  7. Goodbye
  8. Goodbye

Here are a few photos from the show, and also of the halls of the studio.

"Beautiful Fools"

"Beautiful Fools"

"The Path Of A Tear"

"The Path Of A Tear"

"Whiskey Or The Truth"

"Whiskey Or The Truth"

"Whiskey Or The Truth"


"The Path Of A Tear"

Fleetwood Mac record in hallway

Wall in the lobby

Supertramp record in lobby

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