Thursday, May 23, 2024

Music In Massachusetts, Spring Visit

Adam Ezra Group
For the first half of May, I visited my family back east, and, as always, made at least part of the trip about music. My brother, his wife, and I saw Adam Ezra Group at the Spire Center For The Performing Arts in Plymouth, Massachusetts on May 10th. It was a great show, and the opener, Joe Cirotti Trio, was really good too. Two members of that trio ended up sitting in with Adam Ezra Group at one point. It was a sold-out show, but those of us who wanted to dance had room in the back to do so. We missed the northern lights, which apparently were visible that night, but that’s okay. The music was even more uplifting and beautiful.

Air Traffic Controller
The next day was Porchfest in Somerville. It’s a cool event where folks host various bands at their houses throughout the city. It went from noon to 6 p.m., and one of my oldest and best friends came down from Maine to catch the music with us, making the day even more special. We caught three bands – Air Traffic Controller, Jim’s Big Ego, and The Nogs. Air Traffic Controller performed as a trio for this show on a stage in someone’s back yard, drawing a good crowd. Their fun set included “Hurry Hurry,” “If You Build It,” “Pick Me Up,” “The House,” and a new song titled “Going Going Gone.” They got a bit of a late start, and we had to leave before the final song to make it in time to catch the beginning of the Jim’s Big Ego set. Of the three bands we saw at Porchfest, this was the only one to actually perform on a porch. Jim’s Big Ego played for a solid two hours, with nearly every song they played being a request from folks in the audience. My personal requests were “Can’t Stop Foolin’ Around” and “Big Old Dark Green Car,” both of which they played. And I finally got a chance to purchase Jim Infantino’s new album, Utopia Revisited. And on vinyl! We then had a ten-minute walk to the house where The Nogs were performing. This was my first time seeing them. This is Josh Lederman’s new project, a tribute to The Pogues. They performed at the end of someone’s driveway, also taking requests from the crowd. My request was “Sally MacLennane,” and the band delivered a seriously fun rendition. We had a great time dancing. Six hours of music went by much too quickly.

Jim's Big Ego
I didn’t really take notes during these concerts, but I did jot down the Jim’s Big Ego set list. Here it is (and yes, “Down In It” is the Nine Inch Nails song, which I hadn’t seen Jim perform since 1991):

  1. Jumblies
  2. Stress
  3. Can’t Stop Foolin’ Around
  4. Another Thousand Years
  5. In My Cult
  6. Better Than You
  7. You’re Delicious
  8. She’s Dead
  9. They’re Everywhere
  10. Big Old Dark Green Car
  11. Cut Off Your Head
  12. Background Vocals
  13. Prince Charming
  14. We Got Nothing
  15. Napkin Poetry
  16. Los Angeles
  17. Down In It
  18. Meanies
  19. Hate Street
  20. Y2K
  21. On A Day Like This
  22. Free (And On Our Own)

The Nogs

There was more music during the trip. My niece had a good role in her high school’s production of Mamma Mia, so I heard quite a bit of Abba music. It’s a play I despise, but I saw it twice, and my niece was excellent in it (she played Tanya). That was on May 2nd and 3rd. Then on the 8th, she had her final concert with the high school orchestra, in which she plays violin, first chair. So all that was before the Adam Ezra Group concert and Porchfest. One final bit of live music was outside of Fenway before the game on May 14th. My brother, my mom, my niece and my nephew went into one of the souvenir shops to look for a specific jersey for my nephew. My sister-in-law and I meanwhile stayed outside and caught a couple of songs from The Fenway Brats, who were playing in the street before the game. I enjoyed what I heard. (For those who are wondering, the Red Sox won in the bottom of the twelfth.)

Joe Cirotti Trio

Adam Ezra Group with Joe Cirotti

Air Traffic Controller

Jim's Big Ego

The Nogs

Fenway Brats

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