Monday, September 23, 2024

EZ Tiger Celebrates Vinyl Release With Special Show At Permanent Records Roadhouse

EZ Tiger playing "Swimming"
In 2020 (remember that crazy year?), EZ Tiger released Catapulting Stars digitally. But it was a time when concerts were put on hold, and music had moved from bars and clubs to websites, so artists were not able to promote releases with a tour. And while EZ Tiger is now busy writing and recording new material, these musicians decided to give Catapulting Stars a proper vinyl release and second chance at life before releasing anything new. And so last night they had a record release party at Permanent Records Roadhouse, a venue that is a record store, a music hall and a bar. I’ve said this before, but you can be pretty sure you’re in for something special when other musicians are in the audience, and last night Evie Sands and Probyn Gregory were among those who attended this release show.

Kristy before the set
Before the set, drummer Kristy McInnis was joking around on the keyboard, and we were all pretty happy because the DJ had just played The Monkees’ “Someday Man.” I looked around, and I wasn’t the only one singing along to that song. It was that kind of evening. And Kristy’s goofing a bit on keys was part of that fun tone. Moments later the band started the set with “Swimming,” a song from Catapulting Stars. As you’d expect, the set focused on material from the record. Bass player Teresa Cowles (yes, the same Teresa Cowles who is also a member of John Surge And The Haymakers and who plays in Ben Vaughn’s band) had sound troubles, and someone produced a new cable. There was still a bit of crackling during the second song, “There You Are,” the lead track from the album, but the band rocked right through whatever issues were happening. “It’s the jack,” it was determined. “The jack is jacked.” But by the third song, “Nowhere Now,” everything was worked out, and everything sounded great. That was followed by the album’s title track. I love the joy to this band’s rock. It feels like how music should be, you know?

"Heavy Metal Bridge"
If anyone wants to join us on the chorus, it’s one word,” lead vocalist and guitarist Tina DiGeorge said while introducing “Go!” Teresa added, “It’s two letters.” Debbie Shair, at a couple of key moments, switched from keyboard to tambourine during this song, adding another fun element, while Kristy was kicking ass on the drums. They then mentioned the album, with Tina saying that they originally “released it in the least opportune time,” and now it is getting a fresh life, a real chance. They then played “Tether,” and followed it with “Last Confession,” calling the latter the “slow jam of the evening.” Every song up to that point was from the record. They then played a couple of songs from an earlier release, “Go Home” and “Path.” They followed those with “Dag.” Afterward, Teresa told the crowd that she hadn’t been at the soundcheck, that David Nolte had stood in for her, and she hadn’t been aware that they’d changed the ending to the song. But of course she’s such a professional that none of us would have known that had she not chosen to reveal it. The band then played “False Alarm,” before returning to songs from the record. After “Alibi,” Teresa said that Tina had to switch guitars, and Kristy should talk during that time since she is “the most entertaining” of the band members. Kristy replied, “I thought you said ‘annoying.’” They then wrapped up the set with “Heavy Metal bridge.” I love a band that can totally rock, yet still have absolutely wonderful harmonies.

When the crowd applauded and called for an encore, Kristy joked that she guessed they could do one more. Of course, it was on the set list. Tina joined in joking about it, asking if there were any requests, but indicating they wouldn’t do them unless they happened to be the one specific song they’d planned on doing. In introducing that song, “Last Hurrah,” Tina mentioned that it was “written back in 2016, and we’re still dealing with those same things.” She then urged people to vote before the band launched into the song. It was a great way to wrap things up, a solid rock song with an excellent bass line. It was such a fun set. It had been a while since I’d last seen this band perform, and I am determined to not let that much time pass again before I next see them. In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying my copy of the record. By the way, if you plan on adding this record to your collection (and I recommend doing so), get your copy soon. It’s a limited release, and it seemed that most of the copies sold at the show.

Set List

  1. Swimming
  2. There You Are
  3. Nowhere Now
  4. Catapulting Stars
  5. Go!
  6. Tether
  7. Last Confession
  8. Go Home
  9. Path
  10. Dag
  11. False Alarm
  12. Alibi
  13. Heavy Metal Bridge


  1. Last Hurrah


"Nowhere Now"

"Nowhere Now"

"False Alarm"

Permanent Records Roadhouse is located at 1906 Cypress Ave. in Los Angeles, California.

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