Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Pete Seeger Postage Stamps

The price of postage stamps is increasing again in July, from sixty-eight cents to seventy-three cents. Still a good deal, don’t you agree?  But it might be time to use the Pete Seeger postage stamps that I bought last year. Whenever I purchase stamps, I try to get some with a design that is somehow related to music. So much nicer than U.S. flags or whatever else is available. Music is something that everyone enjoys (or nearly everyone; I did once know a woman who didn’t like any music at all, but one afternoon the demons reclaimed her and she went up in a puff of dark smoke). Of course, I mostly use stamps to send in payments to the phone company, the car insurance company, the utilities companies and so on, and it is unlikely that anyone there notices or cares which stamps are on the envelopes. But who knows? A music-related stamp might brighten someone’s day. I also like how the sheet of stamps resembles the sleeve of a vinyl single. That was a great idea. I had mixed feelings when they started putting musicians on stamps, wondering how those musicians might feel about it. For I’m guessing that at least a few of the artists who have been included on postage stamps might feel a bit funny being on an official government thing like that. How would Pete Seeger feel? I don’t know. He was a social activist as much as a songwriter, but something tells me he’d get a kick out of it. The photo used for the stamp was taken by Pete Seeger’s son, Dan Seeger.

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